鬼娃 3剧照


After her parents died in an accident, Tara only had Gian, her younger brother, who was traumatized by accident and committed suicide. Tara is depressed and withdraws from her surroundings, and her relationship with Aryan, her fiancé, strains, and their wedding plans are delayed. Tara wants Gian back alive. She asks a shaman to summon Gian's spirit until finally, his spirit lives in her xiaokan.cc doll named Bobby, who can move like a human. Tara is very happy, and she is back in the spirit to organize her life. Her relationship with Aryan and Mikha, Aryan's daughter, improves. They are back to preparing for their wedding. Gian (in Bobby doll), who is always sweet to Tara, apparently doesn't like Aryan and Mikha. He tried to harm them almost to death. Gian is afraid that Tara will leave him after marrying Aryan and becoming Mikha's mother. Gian is getting out of control because anyone who committed suicide will never be the same if his soul is summoned back to this world. Gian was already affected by the negative energy of the realm of the dead. Rere, Tara's best friend, contacts Mrs. Laras and Mr. Raynard, two psychics who explain how to stop Gian.

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笑笑影院提供:鬼娃 3完整版在线免费观看全集高清,剧情:After her parents died in an accident, Tara only had Gian, her younger brother, who was traumatized ...
